What Are CPD Points?
CPD stands for Continuous Professional Development. The Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority (PPRA) has prescribed the minimum amount of CPD Points that a Property Practitioner must earn on an annual basis, in order to continue to further their Real Estate education, as well as to stay up to date on industry changes, laws, updates and amendments.
The PPRA has outlined that any Full Status or Principal Agent must earn 60 CPD Points in a rolling 3-year cycle - this is equivalent to 60 hours of training. What this means is that Estate Agents must accumulate 20 CPD Points every year. These points are further broken down into two categories: Verifiable CPD Points, and Non-Verifiable CPD Points.
Verifiable CPD Points
Verifiable CPD Points can only be earned through the PPRA themselves, by means of attending seminars, short courses, lectures, conferences or workshops offered by the PPRA. The PPRA has also implemented an online “e-learning” platform for Agents to earn their CPD Points annually. An Agent can access the e-learning platform directly from their MyCPD portal on the PPRA’s website, and from there they are invited to choose from a variety of topics, under which they can earn their required 15 CPD Points. The PPRA also publishes their “contact session” dates on their website, should an Agent prefer to attend these, or should they wish to do a combination of the two methods in order to achieve their required 15 Points. There are fees involved, which you can find directly on the PPRA’s website - these fees are likely to increase on an annual basis.
Non-Verifiable CPD Points
Non-Verifiable CPD Points are issued by accredited training providers, such as BrainTrust, for the attendance of a variety of short courses, which assist in the personal and professional development of an Estate Agent. Every Full Status and Principal Agent, in addition to obtaining their 15 Verifiable Points, must obtain 5 Non-Verifiable CPD Points on a yearly basis. Here at BrainTrust, we aim to make the obtaining of these Points more than just a compliance component - to make them as affordable, interesting, and helpful as possible. We strive to have our learners leave each and every workshop feeling educated, empowered, and having learned something that they did not know beforehand.
With a wide range of Auxiliary and CPD Courses offered in both online and face-to-face format, BrainTrust has spared no effort to make these courses obtainable to all Estate Agents, far and wide. Our CPD Workshops cover a wide range of topics, from the marketing of a property, to the management of a Sectional Title scheme, to the laws and legislation surrounding the property industry. If you would like to enrol or learn more about the specific Auxiliary and CPD Courses that we offer, click on the buttons below to see the online and face-to-face courses we have available.